The Dark Side of the Blog

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If you’re browsing this blog from a device in which the preferred theme is dark you may notice the blog now has a dark theme. This is an idea that had crossed my mind multiple times in the past months but it’s not until very recently that I decided to take a serious look at how to do it. My decision to finally tackle the issue was motivated by “contradicting” reports I read online. Some people complain about how the lack of a light mode option is an accesibility or usability issue for them, making it impossible to read a long text. For other people, it’s the other way around. The only proper solution to this is to have both a dark mode and a light mode and use the one preferred by the user, which is what this blog does now. No JavaScript was harmed (or used) in the process, so lets take a quick look at how to achieve this. In other words, follow me in this journey to the basic stuff from a non-web developer point of view.

The first thing I did was to replace all the colors in my CSS file with variables. This is not only helpful to create a dark theme, but it also helps keep the colors defined in a single place and makes changing them much easier. The programmer in me is now glad the color scheme is no longer full of magic constants. Achieving this is easy. If you previoysly had…​

body {
  background: white;

Now you can have…​

:root {
  --background-color: white;
body {
  background: var(--background-color);

When you define a CSS variable (or custom CSS property, which I think is the proper term to refer to them), you can give it an arbitrary name starting with a double dash. Later, you can use those properties as values using var() with the name inside the parens. You’re not restricted to colors. You can define more things like linear gradients, filters, etc.

After that, defining an alternative dark or light theme is as easy as doing…​

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  :root {
    --background-color: black;

And that’s it. You can now change the main colors to alternative versions for dark or light modes.

For my blog, the main theme is still going to be light. This is reflected when sometimes I insert images or other content and, if I can’t easily make the background transparent, I’m going to default to white. However, I’ll try to add white margings in the future so images don’t look as bad in the dark theme as the Igalia logo next to the Vulkan logo I used in a recent post.

One small trick I’m using that required a bit more digging is handling the Github icon in the “About Me” page. It’s an SVG icon drawn in an almost-black color and it’s referenced as an external resource, so we cannot change the fill property of the SVG to switch to a different color when using dark mode. Yet, if you look at the page in dark mode, you’ll see the icon is displayed in an almost-white color. The key, in this case, is a custom invert filter. In the CSS, I specify:

:root {
  --github-icon-filter: invert(0);
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  :root {
    --github-icon-filter: invert(1);
.githubicon {
  filter: var(--github-icon-filter);

This means the icon colors are inverted for dark mode and are kept as is for light mode.

And that’s it! Sorry if I bored you with basic stuff (web developer maybe?) and glad if you found this interesting! See you on the dark side of the Moon.

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