My participation in XDC 2020

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Filed under: igalia

The 2020 X.Org Developers Conference took place from September 16th to September 18th. For the first time, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it was a fully virtual event. While this meant that some interesting bits of the conference, like the hallway track, catching up in person with some people and doing some networking, was not entirely possible this time, I have to thank the organizers for their work in making the conference an almost flawless event. The conference was livestreamed directly to YouTube, which was the main way for attendees to watch the many different talks. freenode was used for the hallway track, with most discussions happening in the ##xdc2020 IRC channel. In addition ##xdc2020-QA was used for attendees wanting to add questions or comments at the end of the talk.

Igalia was a silver sponsor of the event and we also participated with 5 different talks, including one by yours truly.

My talk about VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state was based on my previous blog post, but it includes a more detailed explanation of the extension as well as more detailed comments and an explanation about how the extension was created. I took advantage of the possibility of using pre-recorded videos for the conference, as I didn’t fully trust my kids wouldn’t interrupt me in the middle of the talk. In the end I think it was a good idea and, from the presenter point of view, I also found out using a script and following it strictly (to some degree) prevented distractions and made the talk a bit shorter and more to the point, because I tend to beat around the bush when talking live. You can watch my talk in the embedded video below.

Slides for the talk are also available and below you can find a transcript of the talk.

<Title slide>

Hello, my name is Ricardo GarcĂ­a, I work at Igalia as part of its Graphics team and today I will be talking about the extended dynamic state Vulkan extension. At Igalia I was involved in creating CTS tests for this extension and also in reviewing the spec when writing those tests, in a very minor capacity. This extension is pretty simple and very useful, and the talk is divided in two parts. First I will talk about the extension itself and then I’ll reflect on a few bits about how this extension was created that I consider quite interesting.

<Part 1>

<Extension description slide>

So, first, what does this extension do? Its documentation says:

VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state adds some more dynamic state to support applications that need to reduce the number of pipeline state objects they compile and bind.

In other words, as you will see, it makes Vulkan pipeline objects more flexible and easier to use from the application point of view.

<Pipeline diagram slide>

So, to give you some context, this is [the] typical graphics pipeline representation in many APIs like OpenGL, DirectX or Vulkan. You’ve probably seen variations of this a million times. The pipeline is divided in stages, some of them fixed-function, some of them programmable with shaders. Each stage usually takes some data from the previous stage and produces data to be consumed by the next one, apart from using other external resources like buffers or textures or whatever. What’s the Vulkan approach to represent this process?

<Creation structure slide>

Vulkan wants you to specify almost every single aspect of the previous pipeline in advance by creating a graphics pipeline object that contains information about how every stage should work. And, once created, most of these pipeline parameters or configuration cannot be changed. As you can see here, this includes shader programs, how vertices are read and processed, depth and stencil tests, you name it. Pipeline objects are heavy objects in Vulkan and they are hard to create. Why does Vulkan want you to do that? The answer has always been this keyword: “optimization”. Giving all the information in advance gives more chances for every current or even future implementations to optimize how the pipeline works. It’s the safe choice. And, despite this, you can see there’s a pipeline creation parameter with information about dynamic state. These are things that can be changed when using the pipeline without having to create a separate and almost identical pipeline object.

<New dynamic states slide>

What the extension does should be pretty obvious now: it adds a bunch of additional elements that can be changed on the fly without creating additional pipelines. This includes things like primitive topology, front face vertex order, vertex stride, cull mode and more aspects of the depth and stencil tests, etc. A lot of things. Using them if needed means fewer pipeline objects, fewer pipeline cache accesses and simpler programs in general. As I said before, it makes Vulkan pipeline objects more flexible and easier to use from the application point of view, because more pipeline aspects can be changed on the fly when using these pipeline objects instead of having to create separate objects for each combination of parameters you may want to modify at runtime. This may make the application logic simpler and it can also help when Vulkan is used as the backend, for example, to implement higher level APIs that are not so rigid regarding pipelines. I know this extension is useful for some emulators and other API-translating projects.

<New commands slide>

Together with those it also introduces a new set of functions to change those parameters on the fly when recording commands that will use the pipeline state object.

<Pipeline diagram slide>

So, knowing that and going back to the graphics pipeline, the obvious question is: does this impact performance? Aren’t we reducing the number of optimization opportunities the implementation has if we use these additional dynamic states? In theory, yes. In practice, it depends on the implementation. Many GPUs and Vulkan drivers out there today have some pipeline aspects that are considered “dynamic” in the sense that they are easily changed on the fly without a perceptible impact in performance, while others are truly important for optimization. For example, take shaders. In Vulkan they’re provided as SPIR-V programs that need to be translated to GPU machine code and creating pipelines when the application starts makes it easy to compile shaders beforehand to avoid stuttering and frame timing issues later, for example. And not only that. As you create pipelines, you’re telling the implementation which shaders are used together. Say you have a vertex shader that outputs 4 parameters, and it’s used in a pipeline with a fragment shader that only uses the first 2. When creating the pipeline the implementation can decide to discard instructions that are only related to producing the 2 extra unused parameters in the vertex shader. But other things like, for example, changing the front face? That may be trivial without affecting performance.

<Part 2>

<Eric Lengyel tweet slide>

Moving on to the second part, I wanted to talk about how this extension was created. It all started with an “angry” tweet by Eric Lengyel (sorry if I’m not pronouncing it correctly) who also happens to be the author of the previous diagram. He complained in Twitter that you couldn’t change the front face dynamically, which happens to be super useful for rendering reflections, and pointed to an OpenGL NVIDIA extension that allowed you to do exactly that.

<Piers Daniell reply slide>

This was noticed by Piers Daniell from NVIDIA, who created a proposal in Khronos. That proposal was discussed with other vendors (software and hardware) that chimed in on aspects that could be or should be made dynamic if possible, which resulted in the multi-vendor extension we have today.

<RADV implementation slide>

In fact, RADV was one of the first Vulkan implementations to support the extension thanks to the effort by Samuel Pitoiset.

<Promoters of Khronos slide>

This whole process got me thinking Khronos may sometimes be seen from the outside as this closed silo composed mainly of hardware vendors. Certainly, there are a lot of hardware vendors but if you take the list of promoter members you can see some fairly well-known software vendors as well, and API usability and adoption are important for both groups. There are many people in Khronos trying to make Vulkan easier to use even if we’re all aware that’s somewhat in conflict with providing a lower level API that should let you write performant applications.

<Khronos Contributors slide>

If you take a look at the long list of contributor members, that’s only shown partially here because it’s very long, you’ll notice a lot of actors from different backgrounds as well.

<Vulkan-Docs repo slide>

Moreover, while Khronos and its different Vulkan working groups are far from an open source project or community, I believe they’re certainly more open to contributions than what many people think. For example, the Vulkan spec is published in a GitHub repo with instructions to build it (the spec is written in AsciiDoc) and this repo is open for issues and pull requests. So, obviously, if you want to change major parts of Vulkan and how some aspects of the API work, you’re going to meet opposition and maybe you should be joining Khronos to discuss things internally with everyone involved in there. However, while an angry tweet was enough for this particular extension, if you’re not well-known you may want to create an issue instead, exposing your use case and maybe with other colleagues chiming in on details or supporting of your proposal. I know for a fact issues created in this public repo are discussed in periodic Khronos meetings. It may take some weeks if people are busy and there’s a lot of things on the table, but they’re going to end up being discussed, which is a very good thing I was happy to see, and I want to put emphasis on that. I would like Khronos to continue doing that and I would like more people to take advantage of the public repos from Khronos. I know the people involved in the Vulkan spec want to make the text as clear as possible. Maybe you think some paragraph is confusing, or there’s a missing link to another section that provides more context, or something absurd is allowed by the spec and should be forbidden. You can try a reasoned pull request for any of those. Obviously, no guarantees it will go in, but interesting in any case.

<Blend state tweet slide>

For example, in the Twitter thread I showed before, I tweeted a reply when the extension was published and, among a few retweets, likes and quoted replies I found this very interesting Tweet I’m showing you here, asking for the whole blend state to be made dynamic and indicating that would be game-changing for some developers and very interesting for web browsers. We all want our web browsers to leverage the power of the GPU as much as possible, right? So why not? I thought creating an issue in the public repo for this case could be interesting.

<Dynamic blend state issue slide>

And, in fact, it turns out someone had already created an issue about it, as you can see here.

<Tom Olson reply slide>

And in this case, in this issue, Tom Olson from ARM replied that the working group had been discussing it and it turns out in this particular case existing hardware doesn’t make it easy to make the blend state fully dynamic without possibly recompiling shaders under the hood and introducing unwanted complexity in the implementations, so it was rejected for now. But even if, in this case, the reply is negative, you can see what I was mentioning: the issue reached the working group, it was considered, discussed and the issue creator got a reply and feedback. And that’s what I wanted to show you.

<Final slide>

And that’s all. Thanks for listening! Any questions maybe?

The talk was followed by a Q&A section moderated, in this case, by Martin Peres. In the text below RG stands for Ricardo Garcia and MP stands for Martin Peres.

RG: OK…​ Hello everyone!

MP: OK, so far we do not have any questions. Jason Ekstrand has a comment: "We (the Vulkan Working Group) has had many contributions to the spec".

RG: Yeah, yeah, exactly. I mean, I don’t think it’s very well known but yeah, indeed, there are a lot of people who have already contributed issues, pull requests and there have been many external contributions already so these things should definitely continue and even happen more often.

MP: OK, I’m gonna ask a question. So…​ how much do you think this is gonna help layering libraries like Zink because I assume, I mean, one of the big issues with Zink is that you need to have a lot of pipelines precompiled and…​ is this helping Zink?

RG: I don’t know if it’s being used. I think I did a search yesterday to see if Zink was using the extension and I don’t remember if I found anything specific so maybe the Zink people can answer the question but, yeah, it should definitely help in those cases because OpenGL is not as strict as Vulkan regarding pipelines obviously. You can change more things on the fly and if the underlying Vulkan implementation supports extended dynamic state it should make it easier to emulate OpenGL on top of Vulkan. For example, I know it’s being used by VKD3D right now to emulate DirectX 12 and there’s a emulator, a few emulators out there which are using the extension because, you know, APIs for consoles are different and they can use this type of extensions to make code better.

MG: Agree. Jason also has another comment saying there are even extensions in flight from the Mesa community for some windowing-system related stuff.

RG: Yeah, I was happy to see yesterday…​ I think it was yesterday, well, here at this XDC that the present timing extension pull request is being handled right now on GitHub which I think is a very good thing. It’s a trend I would like to [see] continue because, well, I guess sometimes, you know, the discussions inside the Working Group and inside Khronos may involve IP or whatever so it’s better to have those discussions sometimes in private, but it is a good thing that maybe, you know, there are a few extensions that could be handled publicly in GitHub instead of the internal tools in Khronos. So, yeah, that’s a good thing and a trend I would like to see continue: extensions discussed in public.

MG: Yeah, sounds very cool. OK, I think we do not have any question…​ other questions or comments so let’s say thank you very much and…​

RG: Thank you very much and let me congratulate you for…​ to the organizers for organizing XDC and…​ everyone, enjoy the rest of the day, thank you.

MG: Thank you! See you in 13m 30s for the status of’s GitLab cloud hosting.

Regarding Zink, at the time I’m writing this, there’s an in-progress merge request for it to take advantage of the extension. Regarding the present timing extension, its pull request is at GitHub and you can also watch a short talk from Day One of the conference. I also mentioned the extension being used by VKD3D. I was specifically referring to the VKD3D-Proton fork.

References used in the talk:

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