Just upgraded to Fedora 22

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Fedora 22 was released today and I upgraded already. Having started with a minimal installation in Fedora 21, the upgrade was from “nonproduct” to “nonproduct”. The most important change in Fedora 22 is “yum” being replaced with “dnf” as the package manager. I had already switched to dnf a few weeks ago so this didn’t affect me much. Desktop environment updates don’t affect me at all because I’m running i3. Besides that, I will have to update my installation to use libinput in the following days, which is the other important change for me, as other X11 input drivers will be deprecated slowly in Fedora.

A small surprise: some Fedora 22 packages still have the “fc21” tag as they have not been rebuilt for the new release. I made sure this was the case and not an update problem. For example, see asciidoc. All of them are “noarch” (hence they don’t need to be rebuilt) except for xorg-x11-drv-vmmouse, which already has an update pending as I’m writing this. People with more complete and complex systems will probably see more instances of this happening with other packages.

Note to future self: the next time, wait a couple of weeks before upgrading, so all the mirrors are properly in sync. And do not switch mirrors before the upgrade to avoid package downgrades in “dnf distro-sync”. A few weird things popped up while upgrading, but they were solved quickly and the system is up and running again exactly as it was before. All in all, the process was fast and smooth. I’m still very happy with Fedora so far.

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