#!/bin/sh [ -f "$HOME/.Xresources" ] && xrdb -merge "$HOME/.Xresources" [ -x /usr/bin/nvidia-settings ] && /usr/bin/nvidia-settings -l exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session i3
Removable volumes under i3
One of the first problems I had with Fedora was to make sure I had a way of easily and graphically mounting and unmounting removable volumes like USB sticks under i3, coming from a minimal installation. Under Slackware, I used Thunar (the file manager from XFCE) for that task. So I went ahead and installed the “thunar” package in Fedora. It turned out to be insufficient. After searching a lot on Google and trying to find out what the problem was exactly, this is the recipe I came up with. None of this would happen if installing a full desktop or the workstation edition, but it’s useful for lightweight and minimalist window managers and other types of environments.
First of all, “thunar” will only install the file manager per-se, which is enough to do file managing operations. You need some additional packages to get removable volumes working. Specifically, you’ll need at least “thunar-volman” and “gvfs”. None of those are package requirements.
Second and most importantly, you may be using or improvising a quick “xinitrc” script to launch i3 with “startx”. You must not forget to launch i3 in that case through “dbus-launch”. For reference, here’s my “xinitrc” script.
Note the above script tries to load the configured settings for the NVIDIA binary driver if present. The important part is the last line and it’s where I lost more time searching.